Charley and Sandy Shotmeyer

Charley and Sandy ShotmeyerBy Mark Anderson, National DPG

MA: Charley, I know that you and George Verwer were childhood pals. Give us a favorite memory with George and describe how you have maintained your friendship through the years.

C & S: When George and I grew up in Wyckoff, New Jersey, there were more cows, chickens, hogs, sheep and dogs then there were people. George was one of the older guys (2yrs) that I hung out with in school, scouts and Sunday school. One outstanding memory with George was the 1953 Boy Scout jamboree at the Irvine Ranch in California. We traveled in train cars for a week to get there. It was a three-week adventure for young teenagers. Three years later, George was preaching the Gospel to his fellow students at Ramsey high school. I remember the night I took my brother and his buddy who one of those meetings. They both responded to the invitation and asked Jesus into their hearts.

As George started the ministry of Send The Light I tried to keep up with the news and see George when he was in town. Over the years we have shared prayer over ministry and family. He knew I was interested in his life, and I knew he was interested in my life. That's the foundation of friendship, and it continues.

MA: What impresses you most about the ministry of OM?

C & S: I've been impressed with the ability of OM leadership to keep up with changing times yet keep the mission of Matthew 28 targeted. This I think has been the attraction and challenge for thousands of volunteers joining OM over the years. It's the God-given resiliency of mind and heart that the OM folks possess that has kept my interest.

Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. ---Matthew 28:19 (NIV)

MA: Why have you and Sandy chosen to leave a gift to OM through your estate?

C & S: When we first started giving to the work the checks were small, made out to Send the Light, and sent to headquarters-the home of George's parents, VanHouten Ave., Wyckoff, New Jersey. Over the years, the checks went to different office addresses, and the Lord enabled the size to increase. Currently, I'm reading a section in C. R. Swindoll's Owner’s Manual for Christians entitled "What makes giving so wonderfully addictive?"(p.206). Addiction must be the reason we give to OM. God has blessed us with the ability to give. OM is the primary target of our giving, and we want that to continue when we are gone to glory.